Foundation for Ecological society
Date | Duration
Creative Director
Rita Dhankani
Executive Producer
Mehul Mahicha
The Foundation for Ecological Society focused their working towards conservation of land, forest and water resources in the country. This engagement would help implement policies that promote local management and governance of commons. FES wanted this film to capture both the very necessity of conservation of water and the steps that it takes for the same to happen. They were however unsure of how the entirety of it would be represented in the form of an animated film.
They also wanted to leverage their channel information systems and technology which would improve civic engagement.
This Pan Indian film was a collaborative effort between FES and rural government bodies. We wanted to address different gram panchayats, representing the diversity of India. Based on the client references provided by the client and through character study and geographical representation of various diversities helped us get on the right track for the final look development of the film. This helped us identify different terrains and how obtaining water has its own challenges in each other.
Once we had our story set, we started to create a simple graphics, by using vector stylised illustration with textures so that it looked closer to reality. Simultaneously, we were looking at a narrative style that would enhance the visual script, that’s when we thought of using poetry as a device that can bring out our message in a strong manner. What emerged was a rhythmic storyboard that transitioned from one scene to another. The idea was to first show water and then suddenly take it away, creating a long lasting shock value.

We chose a treatment that was a blend of vector elements with organic colours and brush strokes,these complimented the heartfelt message. Our motive from the beginning was to keep it simple by bringing out the story through facts.
When it came to creating this film, we had a strong base to propel off. We made sure that the textures that were added to the visuals made them look simple and sophisticated movements were chosen, allowing the visual to register in the viewers mind along with the narrative behind it.

We delighted to learn that Paani was able to bag the 11th Competitive edition of CMS VATAVARAN for the year 2022
Foundation for Ecological Society
Rita Dhankani
Mehul Mahicha
Project Lead
Manas Sarma
Manas Sarma, Gnan Sai Reddy, Vishal Harshey
Sound Studio